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I wrote a book

Updated: Feb 1

Last Friday a heavy box was delivered to my house. While I was thinking that it was another delivery box from Amazon from which I order everything from TP to groceries nowadays, another thought flashed through my mind. “Wait a second, is this, is this …?” As soon as I thought that it might be what I thought it might be my heart started to race. ‘That’s right! It’s about time when the publisher said that I would receive the advanced readers’ copy of my book! Slowly, yet with unbearable excitement I opened the box. And there it was - my first book, Whenever You’re Ready. I had to pinch myself as if I was dreaming or something, yet I was not. The real physical book with my name on it was in front of my eyes.

My journey

I always thought that I would like to write a book one day. The idea of sharing innermost thought processes and intimate interaction with readers through a book always fascinated me and suited my personality. Yet I was afraid of the very thought at the same time; ‘Me? In English as my foreign language? What would I write about? Would people enjoy it? Isn’t writing a book is something for someone who is born with a DNA for writing?’

Then one morning about 2 years ago this thought arose out of nowhere.

“What if I wrote a book? Why not?”

Maybe that beautiful day full of spring energy gave me the courage to dream, maybe that tasty almond croissant for breakfast gave me a magical dose of encouragement. I am not sure why, but that morning I started to dream more clearly, thinking that it would be lovely to share my processes from behind the scenes as a pianist and a person, my struggles, victories, challenges, and ways of finding solutions. Since that morning I started to write consistently, keeping the judgmental voice at bay as much as possible. I wanted my book to have an effect similar to that of having a nice conversation with me as a friend over coffee; Gentle, friendly, warm, encouraging, and inviting.

Before every performance I prepare mentally, emotionally, and physically in the green room. I know that I’ll soon step on the stage where people have come to see what I have to offer the world. In the final moment backstage before meeting the audience I note that someone with their hand on the stage door always waits for my cue. “Whenever you’re ready . . .” they tell me. I nod, they open the door, and it’s time for me to perform.

Your journey

I always thought that preparing for a performance was very similar to preparing for life. I am not the only one who has a stage to perform on. We all have a stage to perform on called life. My hope for this book is that walking through my processes might help you gain that courage and encouragement that you might need as we walk through the stage of life every day.

It seems like finally having this book in front of my eyes is a dream that I don’t want to wake up from. I have much to share about this book, my processes of writing a book, ups and downs on this journey, and I will share more over time. I would love you to join me in this written concert that I have prepared for you. But for now I wanted to share the sheer bliss of having this book in my hands and let you know that it will be coming to you on August 24 this year thanks to Greenleaf publisher officially on every platform that you consume books on. When I think about you reading my book, holding it, and visiting my head as you read, I feel as if I am playing a beautiful concert for you all over again. It will be an amazing experience of a connection like a concert. I just can’t wait!

I hope you get to have an inspiring morning like I had years ago. That day everything seemed to be more possible and hopeful. We all need that energy every now and then. I put you in the palm of my hand now and send you a good thought and energy.


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